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2019-05-08    【我要打印】



In response to the requirements of the Municipal Government and Municipal Party Committee of Guangzhou for high-standard planning and development of Baiyun Lake Digital Sci-tech City (the Project), and to further refine the regional planning and steadily advance industry-city integration, the International Consultation for Urban Design of Baiyun Lake Digital Sci-tech City (hereafter referred to as “the Consultation”) is organized to select forward-looking and internationalized design proposals that can facilitate quality planning, construction and operation of the Project.

本次咨询主办单位为广州市白云区人民政府,协办单位为广州市规划和自然资源局,承办单位为广州市规划和自然资源白云区分局。成立白云湖数字科技城城市设计国际咨询委员会(以下简称咨询委员会,作为领导决策机构,负责协调、指导、监督检查和纠纷调处等工作,对咨询工作中的重大事项行使决策权。广州市规划和自然资源局白云区分局负责本次咨询的具体组织和技术协调工作, bat365在线登录入口负责本次咨询的协助工作

The Consultation is hosted by the People’s Government of Baiyun District, Guangzhou, with Guangzhou Municipal Planning and Natural Resources Bureau as the co-host and Guangzhou Municipal Planning and Natural Resources Bureau Baiyun District Branch as the organizer. An International Consultation Committee (“the Consultation Committee”) will be established for decision-making over major issues, as well as coordination, guidance, supervision, inspection and dispute mediation during the Consultation. Guangzhou Municipal Planning and Natural Resources Bureau Baiyun District Branch is responsible for the organization and technical coordination of the Consultation, while Guangzhou Guohe Purchasing & Consulting Co., Ltd will render due assistance.


I. Consultation Contents


The Consultation covers two levels of work: overall planning research, and urban planning of kick-off zone.


1. Overall planning research


The overall planning scope is defined by Liuxi River on the north, Pearl River West Channel on the west, Airport Express on the east, and Huang Shi Xi Lu on the south. Comprising Baiyun Lake, the west and east areas of Baiyun Lake Rim, Huangjinwei Area and Huangjinwei South Area, it covers a total site area of around 28 square kilometers (including 3 square kilometers of ecological water area) 


The overall planning research requires comprehensive research at the macro level on the Project, in terms of development positioning, functional layout, trade spatial layout, overall spatial form, smart city, low-carbon ecological development, integrated transportation, public services facilities and infrastructures, Lingnan landscape shaping and cultural relics conservation, riverfront planning, old village upgrading planning, urban master planning, land consolidation, phased construction, etc.


2. Urban design of kick-off zone


The urban design scope of the kick-off zone includes: the core zones of Huangjinwei West Area and Huangjinwei East Area, the core zone of Huangjinwei South Area, and the core zones of Baiyun Lake West Area and East Area in Baiyun Lake Rim, totaling about 14 square kilometers (including 2 square kilometers of ecological water area). 


The urban design of the kick-off zone is a key work of this consultation. It is required to propose urban design concepts and principles for the kick-off zone, and consider their practical use and implementation. The planning and design should cover spatial structure, land planning layout, open space, green traffic, green space system and ecological corridor system, environmental landscape planning and sightline corridor design, public service facilities and municipal infrastructures, underground space, etc. It is required to detail the design up to SD level as required by the regulatory detailed plan and complete the urban design guidelines. It is also required to select key nodes for design, which should reach SD level as required by the constructive detailed plan. The design proposal should be implementable enough to guide the development of the kick-off zone. 


II. Duration of the Consultation


The Consultation will last from May 9, 2019 (Beijing time, the same below) to August 28, 2019. The registration will be closed on May 28, 2019, and the Technical Document will be issued on Jun. 12, followed by a site visit on the same day. The final deliverables should be completed and sent to the place designated by the Consultation Committee by 10:00, Aug. 28, 2019 (subject to the Technical Document).


III. Way of Consultation  


(I) Form of Consultation


The Project adopts international consultation that is open to all design firms (or consortiums). The registration announcement will be released on website, Weibo and WeChat public account. The Consultation Committee will prequalify the registered design firms (or consortiums) and select 6 as official participants. Each official participant will receive a letter of invitation, and can only submit one design proposal. Design proposals from uninvited design firms (or consortiums) will be rejected.


(II) Method of Evaluation and Payment


Officially invited design firms (or consortiums) who have submitted design deliverables according to rules and passed the technical review will receive corresponding reward (tax-inclusive). Those who fail to pass the evaluation or whose deliverables are deemed invalid will not receive any reward. Based on the Technical Document and thorough discussions and comparisons, the Consultation Committee will vote for one first prize, two second prizes and three third prizes. The first prize will be rewarded RMB3 million yuan (tax-inclusive); the second prize RMB1.5 million yuan (tax-inclusive) each; and the third prize RMB1.2 million yuan (tax-inclusive) each.


(III) Interim Inspection


The Consultation Committee will conduct interim inspection during the preparation of the deliverables to ensure smooth progress.


(IV) Subsequent Work


Upon completion of the Consultation, the Consultation Committee office will submit the design proposal to the host for approval. Upon receipt of the approval, the first prize winner will undertake subsequent design detailing, for which an urban design detailing contract will be concluded.


The design detailing firm should detail the design up to the level specified by the regulatory detailed plan for the 28 square kilometers land after learning the merits of other design proposals, and undertake the subsequent detailing work. The urban design detailing cost is expected to be RMB4.28 million yuan (tax-inclusive), but the final amount is subject to the detailing contract.


IV. Requirements on Deliverables 


The deliverables should include texts, narratives, drawings, brochure, display boards, multimedia video, physical model, etc. See the Technical Document for detailed requirements.


V. Registration Requirements


(I) Eligibility

1. 设计单位可单独报名,或以联合体形式报名(以联合体形式报名的必须报名时明确第一设计单位);

1. Both design firms and consortiums are acceptable (consortiums must indicate their leading party);

2. 设计单位(或联合体)须为依法注册的法人实体或由法人实体组成的联合体

2. The design firm (or consortium) must be a legally incorporated entity or a consortium formed by legal entities.

3. 境内设计单位(单独报名或联合体)必须同时具备城市规划甲级资质和建筑设计甲级资质;

3. Chinese design firm (individual applicants or consortiums) must hold Class A qualification certificates for both urban planning and architecture.  

4. 境外设计单位需具有相应的设计经验与相关业绩,且必须选取一家境内设计单位共同组成联合体,该境内设计单位需具有城市规划甲级或建筑设计甲级资质;

4. Overseas design firm need to have corresponding design experiences and reference projects, and must select one Chinese design firm to form the consortium. The said Chinese design firm need to hold Class A qualification certificates for urban planning or architecture.

5. 具有承接本项目的能力;

5. The applicants must have corresponding competence required by this Project.

6. 具有相应的设计经验与相关业绩;

6. The applicants must have corresponding design experience and supporting project portfolio.

7. 设计单位在参加招标采购活动前三年内,在经营活动中无严重违法记录,未受到相关部门处罚。

7. The applicants must have no record of serious violation of law or punishment by relevant authority during operation within three years prior to the registration.


(II) Registration


1. Prospective design firms (consortiums) must send the duly completed Registration Form (see Appendix 1) and other required documents (duly signed and stamped) to the Organizing Agent by fax or email (e-mail address: gdgh_zb@163.com) by the registration deadline.


2. All registration documents should be delivered or posted in written form to the Organizing Agent by the registration deadline.


(III) Registration deadline is 10:00am, May 28, 2019 (Beijing Time) (subject to the documents receipt time). Any late submissions will be rejected.


 (IV) Registration Documents (See Appendix 2; one set, in A4 booklet form, together with softcopies and PPT files).

1. 报名以收到设计单位纸质资料为准,包括设计单位名称及资质说明、单位简介、资信证明、获奖证书、相关经验、设计人员的组成、主要设计人员相关设计经验、声明等(正本,签字并加盖公章)。

1. The hardcopy of the registration document will prevail. The package should include such information as the applicant’s name, qualification, company profile, credit certificate, award certificate, related project experiences, design team, the main designers and their related design experiences, and statement etc. (duly signed and stamped original copy).


Note: The reference portfolio should cover: project name, location, size, design contents, main designers, project status (ongoing or completed), imagery (design drawings or live-scene photos), and client’s phone number. PPT files include the profile, qualification, design team, representative projects and other information of the design firm.

2. 法人代表证明、法人代表授权委托书、被委托人身份证复印件(均需加盖公章)。

2. Certificate of Legal Representative, Power of Attorney of the legal representative, and photocopy of ID card of the authorized representative (all duly stamped).

3. 报名参加本次咨询的设计负责人及主要设计人员履历和专业资格证明复印件,以及近五年的同类业绩、获奖情况等相关材料(加盖公章)。

3. Resumes and photocopies of professional qualification certificates of the design principal and main designers for the Consultation, as well as their reference projects and awards in the recent five years (all duly stamped).

4. 以联合体名义报名设计单位应提交所有成员共同签署的联合体合作协议(正本,签字并加盖公章)并注明联合体主体单位。

4. Applicants in the form of consortium should submit a consortium agreement duly signed by all members (original copy, duly signed and stamped) and indicating the lead member.


Note: Applicants must guarantee the information contained in the registration documents are true and authentic. The Consultation Committee is entitled to verify the information at the registration and evaluation stage and before the finalization of the evaluation result by requesting the original version from the applicant or other means as appropriate. Applicants will be held accountable for all consequences caused by the submission of false information or other reason.


VI. In case of any discrepancy between this Announcement and the Technical Document, the latter shall prevail.


VIII. Contact Information of the Organizing Agent


Organizing Agent: Guangdong Guohe Purchasing & Consulting Co., Ltd.


Address: 18/F, North Tower of Huasheng Building, 102, Xian Lie Zhong Lu, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou


Zip code: 510075


Contact: Mr. Yang


Tel: 020-37625112


Fax: 020-37625228


Email: gdgh_zb@163.com




VIII. Contact Information of the Organizer (for technical support only):

联系地址: 广州市白云区景云路32

Address: 32, Jing Yun Lu, Baiyun District, Guangzhou


Zip code: 510405


Contacts: Mr. Yang, Ms. Li


Tel: 020-86397316




IX. Other rules are subject to the Technical Document.



Attached drawings:

1. Location of Baiyun Lake Digital Sci-tech City

2. Planning Scope


International Consultation Committee

for Urban Design of Baiyun Lake Digital Sci-tech City

 2019 58

May 8, 2019



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